
Showing posts from June, 2019

Blog 2

Television and its Impact on Health Before one can understand how effective the television is at communicating a variety of information, we must first understand how the television came to be, and how it’s so easy to show commercials of all sorts. The modern HDTV generally utilizes a few components as the foundation: the size of the frame, the frames per second, and the type of scanning utilized (interlaced or progressive, according to the class lecture which compares the two). With these components in mind, technology has allowed us to create a television capable of producing a moving picture in 4K, or 1920x1080 pixels, one of the best frame sizes in the market. Capabilities such as these send its predecessors back to the stone age with such a massive jump in innovation, all for the sake of producing better quality. But how exactly has this worked against humanity? Generation Z grew up after all the shifts in technology made its debut (the time period Millennials experienced),

Blog 1

As technology becomes integrated into our daily lives more and more with each year passing, I believe the most prominent piece of technology in our time would be the telephone/phone. Per the class lecture, the very first wireless messages was sent in 1895 by Macroni, although it was dots and dashes. Fast forward a century and then some, and people own devices that has access to virtually all knowledge in the world. Why stop there? How much deeper can our society dig into the revolutionary world of technology? There has to be more to technological innovation that Netflix and social media, and realistically we’re just barely scratching the surface.