Blog 1

As technology becomes integrated into our daily lives more and more with each year passing, I believe the most prominent piece of technology in our time would be the telephone/phone. Per the class lecture, the very first wireless messages was sent in 1895 by Macroni, although it was dots and dashes. Fast forward a century and then some, and people own devices that has access to virtually all knowledge in the world. Why stop there? How much deeper can our society dig into the revolutionary world of technology? There has to be more to technological innovation that Netflix and social media, and realistically we’re just barely scratching the surface.


  1. Hello! I agree with you. The telephone is a great and very important invention and I'm sure that the smartphones we own today will be way more advanced in a couple of years or decades. I believe one thing our phones will have is AR, augmentative reality. Imagine calling your friend and their faces show up as holographic images! That would be very cool.
    - Gabrielle Oliveira.

  2. Great post, I find this blog most interesting not only because the use of telephones has taken over the world today, but you ask some very intriguing questions. I can agree with you when you said “we’re just barely scratching the surface” I believe that is true because technology is constantly evolving right in front of our eyes and I know there are tech people working around the clock to discover the next big thing. One of the first things mentioned by the professor at the beginning of this course was that we were going to learn how our cell phones work, which I am most excited about. I run a lot of my marketing business straight from my phone so to see the evolution of its workings would be great to know and I appreciate the extra knowledge on this technology and I am definitely going to be thinking about the questions you asked in your blog. -Calasia Haynes

  3. I agree with this post. I think that everyone has given thought to what technology could possibly come after the internet and the process of convergence we are experiencing. We already have access the entire world’s information at any time via mobile technology’s internet capability. Likely, the next step is something that we won’t even be able to conceive of, and will not be created for a long time. -Christian Cano

  4. Interesting post! I have always been fascinated by the advancement of phones. It is kind of funny seeing how big and bulky they were, and now our phones are getting thinner and thinner, all the while the camera quality, apps, and features becomes better. I have seen some people propose the idea of wireless battery charging through other people's phones, holographic keyboards and screens, and so on. At this point, we truly don't know what more advances can be made to the smartphone. The sky is the limit! -Priscilla Simanungkalit


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